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Department of Early Childhood Education

Lovely Mind! Caring Mind!

The department of early chidhood education, Uiduk University focuses on training the student to become the best experts in the child education and puts emphasis on the practical and field studies.
For the achievement of the student's dream, the department focuses on the organic system for the training for competent teachers, including 1)preparation of official examination, 2)operation of in-depth courses, 3)operation or TOEIC test preparation class and 4)operation of club for puppet play. In addition, the department has established the wide range of education network in cooperation with the kindergartens and child care centers und the auspice of Jingakjong order of the Buddhist(30 facilities) and other kindergartens and child care centers located in Gyeongju and Busan. In addition, the department of early childhood education was also opened in the graduate school(master and doctorate courses) and the major in the early childhood education in Graduate School of Education to train the future researcher of early childhood education, business managers of related facilities and administrators.

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